Before you contact us to surrender your pet, please consider utilizing the following resources:
Find a Stray Purebred Doberman?
There are a couple of steps you should attempt before we can accept strays:
1. Put up signs around the area where you found the dog and wait a week, if you can. It may be someone's pet and they may be frantically searching for them.
2. If you are unable or unwilling to do this, you can contact one of the Area Animal Control Agencies. Click here for a list of agencies and their contact information. Complete step 3 as well so that we know about the dog.
3. If you need financial assistance to help with medical issues,etc Click here for a list of organizations who may be able to help.
3. Complete Surrender form above
Frustrated with a behavioral issue?
Try contacting a trainer or behaviorist first. Many times the issue is something that can be easily resolved with the proper tools. Remember, most dogs simply need the right tools and training.
Behavioural issues are a two-way street – if there is a problem it involves both you and the dog. For instance, a dog doesn’t automatically know to potty outside – YOU have to teach him which takes consistency and follow through on your part as his owner. Consider using a crate as a valuable training tool.
HADR can recommend local trainers and offer advice.
Moving and can’t take the dog with you?
There are many places that allow pets. Try,,,, or All of these websites have options to search for pet-friendly rentals. There are also many realtors who can assist with this type of search. Seriously, would you search for a place that wouldn’t accommodate kids? Pets should be considered part of the family, too.
I don’t have time for the dog anymore.
Most people work a typical 8 hour work day. Unless you have a puppy or very elderly pet, chances are your dog will be fine on his own for 8 hours. There are also countless doggy day cares, pet sitters and kennels that your dog can go to if you don’t want to leave the dog at home all day.
Your dog, particularly older pets, are truly bonded with you and taking the dog from his safe, secure environment is stressful. Even though you don’t think you have time for your pet, in most cases, your companion will be better off in your home.
My dog is a good dog, I know she’ll get adopted.
Did you know that the euthanasia rate in the US is in the millions per year? Most dogs and cats that enter shelters do not make it out. There are tons of beautiful and well behaved dogs, even purebreds, that get put down every day. The chances that your pet surrendered to a shelter will find a new home are about 10% – 15%.
Information for Surrendering to HADR:
The more adoptable your pet is, the better chance he has to be adopted quickly. This includes making sure he has a clean bill of health and is up to date on shots; is on heartworm preventative; is neutered or spayed; and behavioral issues are worked out or clearly outlined so they may be addressed by HADR.
Please complete the surrender form above. If your dog is considered a good candidate for the HADR adoption program you will be expected to take the animal to be evaluated by an HADR volunteer. If accepted into the HADR program, you will be expected to transport your dog to one of our approved foster homes.
Our organization utilizes individual foster homes and we do not have a central facility. We take in owner surrenders as well as dogs from shelters. We are always at capacity. Foster homes are very limited and time will be required to accommodate your pet. You will have the most success rehoming your pet if you allow ample time for us to find a foster home or a permanent adoptive home. Further, if you can keep your dog while we look for a home or until a foster spot opens up, that will greatly assist the effort.
Please do not expect that we can take your pet in immediately, we are rarely able to do so.