Giving More Back to the Community!
Kroger is committed to helping our communities grow and prosper. Year after year, local schools, churches and other nonprofit organizations will earn millions of dollars through Kroger Community Rewards®. Our program was designed to make your fund-raising the easiest in town…all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card! To link your Kroger Plus Card, please follow the directions below, or you can watch the video below to see how to do it.
If you already have an account at Kroger.com:
1. Visit www.krogercommunityrewards.com (or click the icon above)
2. Scroll down to Texas
3. Click the Enroll Now button
4. Enter your email address and password and click Sign In
5. Under Step 1, in the Find Your Organization field, enter Houston Area Doberman Rescue and click Search
6. Under Step 2, select the option next to Houston Area Doberman Rescue
7. Under Step 3, click save
8. That's It!
If you don't have an account at Kroger.com:
1. Visit www.krogercommunityrewards.com (or click the icon above)
2. Click Create an account
3. Enter your email address
4. Enter a passowrd
5. Confirm your password
6. Enter your zip code in the Select Your Preferred Store box
7. Click Find Store
8. Select Your Store
9. Click Create Account
10. Enter your Kroger Plus Card
11. Click Ok
12. Under Step 1, in the Find Your Organization field, enter Houston Area Doberman Rescue and click Search
13. Under Step 2, select the option next to Houston Area Doberman Rescue
14. Under Step 3, click save
15. That's It!